Browsing All Posts published on »November, 2010«

Saving Planet Earth by Plagiarism and Parataxis

November 26, 2010


I grew up under the image of the bomb. Present generations are growing up under the image of the world – again – still ending, but differently ending, better or worse, who knows – but drowning in a hurricane of sea borne effluent, whilst facing starvation and drought for example. The question that can be […]

The inward animal

November 26, 2010


We are targeted by the media to see things, do things, to watch things, buy things, on the pretext that these exhortations are being formulated for our own good, in order to make us grab hold of our autonomy, as it were, the very stuff of life, to grasp all our freedoms, so that we […]

Never to begin

November 23, 2010


How is it that it has never begun, what is it that is so difficult about it, what is it that is so unreal that even the utter unreality that we face – for example – on tv defeats it without apparent effort, in the blink of an eye? How strange that I am not equal […]

The collective disconnected

November 23, 2010


A worker’s collective that depended for its functioning and success on the order inherent in a capitalist state, in other words requiring a capitalist state’s police, its military, and its laws and financial stability and so on to exist, for it too to exist, well: it is clear that such a collective is not in […]

Why has it never occured?

November 23, 2010


“No worker’s state has ever yet existed on the surface of the earth, except for a few weeks in Paris in 1871, and perhaps for a few months in Russia, in 1919 and 1918.” Simone Weil. Is it that private property is an absolute? The idea of a just universe seems delusional. But on the […]

Common ownership of the means of production

November 23, 2010


This has always been delusional. There are no real examples of it.  Sparta?  Well then in the production of soldiers.  On the other hand, the concept of private property is persistent … Marx seems to equate power with justice. “Ultimately there will be justice.” But that is a religious, not a rational idea.  You could […]

The point is to change …

November 21, 2010


Marxism never left the drawing board.   It found its life in academia, not in the world of active politics.  Or is that true?  Did it ever occur?  Half occur?  You could argue for the pragmatic conseuqences of something like Locke’s writing which exercised a greater influence politically in the long run, in its impact, in so […]

This is what they were discussing

November 16, 2010


Whether a man is dead in his dying days or before or after.


November 16, 2010


The criteria for Exputo were drawn up at some length in the 5th Congress of the Matinees, held in that final year.

God exists in doubt

November 11, 2010


Certainty divests the believer of personal responsibility. You could describe that as the theological situation, the logic of it, regardless of if you believe in God. Someone who says: “It is nature’s way of …” [Nature’s way of perpetuating the species, etc] reinvents God as Nature, and in large part without realising it. If God […]